About Me

Dandelion, the ever resilient flower. Grows anywhere. Thrives in the most incredible circumstances. Bringing joy through its brillant yellow petals…hope blossoming as its seeds gracefully float in air as they are released.

I chose Dancing with Dandelions for so many reasons. My babies would (and still do) gift those sunshine flowers on a daily basis with their sweet little smiles beaming as they held the dandelions out to me. Beautiful memories are tied to dandelions that represent hope, wishes, perseverance, growth and so much more. The life cycle alone is an incredible lesson as it blooms into a vibrant yellow flower then transitions into seeds that take flight only to then grow more brilliant flowers elsewhere. My desire is to inspire, stir up hope, and remind you that you are resilient and incredible through my pieces of jewelry. 

This business leap is a scary one for me and so far out of my comfort zone. Putting yourself out there for others to hear your voice is scary. But, I deeply enjoy creating and feel lead by God to do so. Each piece is very personal to me and I take great care and thought during the creation process. So, here I am, loudly jumping in. Taking flight and shining bright!

I hope you will be inspired!
